Product Detail

The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak

The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak show that faith is more often a twisting road than a straight line. Yet, as the stories of biblical families attest, at the end of these journeys lies greater peace and joy than we could ever imagine.

God always keeps His promises, but not always in the way we expect….

We frequently hear the term "have faith." But how does it feel to actually live it out? Shannon Bream investigates the lives of biblical women in The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak to show how God's designs can turn our worlds upside down. She relates the narrative of Jochebed, a woman who risked all to keep her son, Moses, safe from Pharaoh. Could Jochebed have guessed that God's original plan for her son included exile and danger? Despite this, it was all part of God's grand plan to free Israel from slavery. Rebekah, another biblical mother, made awful decisions in order to secure her son's position in history. Michal, a daughter, battled pride in herself while trying to save her faithless father, Saul, from wickedness.

Shannon illustrates the close relationship between faith and family through these stories, and how God's unexpected agenda can change the way we think about family. Not all of the Bible's moms and daughters were perfect examples of righteousness. They were human beings, just like us, who strove to do their best. Others followed their own ways, while some heard God's voice. We can understand how God used their stories to bring forth His divine plans through the lens of their flaws. In our lives now, Jesus is still doing the same task.

The Bible's Mothers and Daughters Speak demonstrates that faith is often a winding path rather than a straight one. Yet, as biblical families' tales demonstrate, the journeys end in greater serenity and joy than we could ever dream.


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